In 2023, Yuh launched an offer for pillar 3a. We have now realised that, contrary to expectations, Yuh is not using pension funds, even though they have been proven to perform better.

How much performance is lost?

We use Yuh’s “fiery” strategy with 99 per cent equities. 52 per cent of this is invested in the following fund (non-pension fund):

  • Swisscanto (CH) Index Equity Fund World (ex CH) Responsible NTH1 CHF
Investment strategy with 99 shares according to the Yuh app (there would also be a much better fund for the second position)

The following fund (Pension Fund) would be better:

  • Swisscanto (CH) IPF I Index Equity Fund World (ex CH) Responsible NTH1 CHF

Performance comparison of pension funds vs. non-pension funds

Pension Fund?Fund designationISIN2021202220232024
YesSwisscanto (CH) IPF I Index Equity Fund World (ex CH) Responsible NTH1 CHFCH029334564823.16%-17.84%19.86%17.40%
NoSwisscanto (CH) Index Equity Fund World (ex CH) Responsible NTH1 CHFCH052089277622.86%-18.15%19.28%17.13%
Disadvantage of non-pension fund0.30%0.31%0.58%0.27%
52 % of these are0.156%0.161%0.302%0.140%
By the way, IPF stands for Institutional Pension Fund.

As you can see, as a Yuh 3a client you lose up to 0.30 per cent in performance per year due to the inferior fund.

Why are we writing about this?

Basically, the Yuh 3a offer with a flat fee of 0.50 % is not bad. It doesn’t quite come close to the best pillar 3a products, but it’s still good. However, if you know that Yuh uses poor funds and leaves up to 0.30 % in risk-free returns per year, this assessment changes and Yuh is no longer a good offer from our point of view. We cannot decide whether you see it the same way. But we see it as our duty to inform you about such background knowledge. Because nobody else seems to be doing this.

About Yuh and Yuh 3a

Yuh is a joint offering from Swissquote and Postfinance and was launched in May 2021. In 2023, Yuh expanded its offering to include a pillar 3a. To this end, Yuh has once again entered into a cooperation – this time with Descartes. Descartes is working with Lienhardt & Partner, a Zurich-based private bank. The funds come from Swisscanto. Swisscanto is owned by Zürcher Kantonalbank.

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