If you are looking for interest on vested benefits accounts, we have to disappoint you. Our comparison at over 90 banks in january 2023 clearly shows that depositing pension fund assets in vested benefits accounts no longer yields interest.

Average interest rate is 0.10 %

The average interest rate is a negligible 0,094 %. The interest rate is therefore slightly lower than for 3a retirement savings accounts and significantly below the current BVG minimum interest rate.

According to an expert opinion commissioned by the Confederation, a negative interest rate on pure savings solutions for vested benefits is not permitted (expert opinion was prepared in French).

Fees come into focus

Because there is no longer an interest rate, the focus shifts towards the fees of vested benefits solutions. That is why we have now also listed the fees in Swiss Francs in the comparison table. The fees are only indicative and can vary depending on the conditions. For example, many banks have a rule that the WEF fee is lower if the mortgage is taken out with them.

18.01.2023Ø last 3 yearsAccount Management p.a.WEF Advance WithdrawalCash Out
Hypo Vorarlberg (Schweiz)1.000%k.A.040025
Zuger Kantonalbank0.300%0.068%02000
Berner Kantonalbank 0.250%0.074%025025
Bernerland Bank 0.250%0.062%040025
Aargauische Kantonalbank0.200%0.056%03000
acrevis Bank (Rendite)0.200%0.068%04000
acrevis Bank (avenirplus)0.200%0.068%3650050
AEK BANK 1826 (Rendita)0.200%0.072%04000
AEK BANK 1826 (avenirplus)0.200%0.072%3650050
Appenzeller Kantonalbank0.200%0.076%364000
Caisse d'Epargne d'Aubonne0.200%0.230%0k.A.
Caisse d'Epargne d'Aubonne (avenirplus)0.200%0.230%3650050
St. Galler Kantonalbank 0.200%0.048%364000
Valiant Bank 0.200%0.040%3640025
Bank Sparhafen Zürich 0.150%0.030%040025
BANK ZIMMERBERG 0.150%0.054%04000
Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank0.150%0.070%02000
Caisse d'Epargne de Nyon0.150%0.220%0k.A.
Clientis Bank Toggenburg 0.150%0.046%040025
Regiobank Solothurn 0.150%0.057%04000
Spar- und Leihkasse Thayngen 0.150%0.044%0400
WIR Bank 0.150%0.110%303000
Spar- und Leihkasse Frutigen0.150%0.150%k.A.k.A.k.A.
Alpha RHEINTAL Bank (Privor)0.100%0.062%040025
Alpha RHEINTAL Bank (avenirplus)0.100%0.062%3650050
Banca dello Stato del Cantone Ticino0.100%0.120%364000
Bank EEK 0.100%0.040%04000
Bank Gantrisch 0.100%0.047%04000
Bank Linth LLB 0.100%0.036%04000
Bank Thalwil 0.100%0.050%04000
Banque Cantonale de Fribourg0.100%0.028%030030
Banque Cantonale du Jura SA0.100%0.028%0k.A.0
Basler Kantonalbank0.100%0.047%30020
BS Bank Schaffhausen 0.100%0.044%040025
Burgerliche Ersparniskasse Bern0.100%0.130%040025
Caisse d'Epargne de Cossonay0.100%0.090%040025
Clientis Bank im Thal 0.100%0.060%040025
Clientis Zürcher Regionalbank 0.100%0.032%040025
Glarner Kantonalbank freeME0.100%0.100%4000
Hypothekarbank Lenzburg 0.100%0.036%04000
Leihkasse Stammheim 0.100%0.046%040025
Nidwaldner Kantonalbank0.100%0.054%0k.A.0
SB Saanen Bank 0.100%0.100%0
Schaffhauser Kantonalbank0.100%0.056%364000
Schwyzer Kantonalbank0.100%0.028%04000
Sparkasse Schwyz 0.100%0.100%000
Zürcher Kantonalbank0.100%0.028%02000
Zürcher Landbank 0.100%0.034%040025
Bank Avera0.100%0.100%k.A.k.A.k.A.
Bezirks-Sparkasse Dielsdorf 0.050%0.090%04000
Luzerner Kantonalbank 0.050%0.026%0300100
Regiobank Männedorf 0.050%0.060%040025
Sparcassa 1816 0.050%0.014%04000
Ersparniskasse Affoltern i.E. 0.050%0.050%0k.A.0
Baloise Bank SoBa 0.010%0.010%04000
Bank Cler 0.010%0.029%030020
Bank EKI 0.010%0.042%04000
Bank Oberaargau 0.010%0.018%040025
Banque Cantonale de Genève0.010%0.010%0k.A.0
Banque Cantonale du Valais0.010%0.026%0k.A.0
Banque Cantonale Neuchâteloise0.010%0.014%364000
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise0.010%0.010%4000
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (avenirplus)0.010%0.010%3650050
BBO Bank Brienz Oberhasli 0.010%0.018%204000
Clientis EB Entlebucher Bank 0.010%0.026%040025
Credit Suisse 0.010%0.010%404000
Glarner Kantonalbank0.010%0.018%364000
Graubündner Kantonalbank0.010%0.026%364000
GRB Glarner Regionalbank 0.010%0.010%k.A.k.A.k.A.
Migros Bank 0.010%0.022%02500
Obwaldner Kantonalbank0.010%0.029%0150100
PostFinance 0.010%0.026%364000
Spar- und Leihkasse Bucheggberg (Rendita)0.010%0.044%04000
Spar- und Leihkasse Bucheggberg (avenirplus)0.010%0.044%3650050
Spar- und Leihkasse Wynigen 0.010%0.010%k.A.k.A.k.A.
Spar- und Leihkasse Wynigen (avenirplus)0.010%0.010%k.A.k.A.k.A.
Thurgauer Kantonalbank0.010%0.034%364000
Thurgauer Kantonalbank (pens free)0.010%0.034%364000
UBS 0.010%0.008%363000
Urner Kantonalbank0.010%0.010%364000
Alternative Bank Schweiz 0.000%0.000%030050
Bank BSU 0.000%0.022%040025
Bank in Zuzwil 0.000%0.000%040025
Bank SLM (Privor)0.000%0.022%040025
Bank SLM (avenirplus)0.000%0.022%3650050
Biene Bank im Rheintal 0.000%0.022%040025
Clientis Bank Thur 0.000%0.012%040025
VIAC 2. Säule0.000%0.000%03000
Bank Leerau k.A.0.040%040025
DC Bank Deposito-Cassa der Stadt Bernk.A.0.065%040025
Raiffeisen Schweizk.A.k.A.k.A.k.A.k.A.

Would you like to get more out of your vested benefits? Then the question arises if investing in securities is an option for you. Once you have answered this question, we recommend that you compare the offers on the market. We have also prepared a comparison of the fees charged by pension funds.

With finpension Vested Benefits Foundation you can invest your vested benefits in securities in a broadly diversified manner. The fee is now set at 0.49 % (all-in fee). The all-in fee includes product costs (TER), transaction costs and custody account fees.